First off happy veterans day! Let me tell you how happy I am that there are so many amazing people out there defending this great nation of ours, because of them I got the chance to work on my baby today =)
I started off by drilling the right wing for the conduit that I put in the left wing yesterday. All went well and I even did a better job than yesterday till I relized as I was putting the conduit in the wing that I drilled the holes on the TOP of the ribs instead of the BOTTOM where they are supposed to be =( So I was pretty bummed but I am sure this is not the last time that I will screw something up and I hope it is just as miner as this really was.
So as I cooled off I sat in the plane and thought of the nest thing to do. I wanted to keep working on the wings but I was kinda stuck on the flap brace. The instructions are OK at best, they tell you some of the things that you need to do and not necessarily in the right order. The book tells you how to put on the bottom skins and then has another oh 3 pages of things that you need to do before you put the skins on… I know I am supposed to read everything and have a good feel of what is going on but wow some guidance would be nice.
So after much chicken or the egg debate I dimpled the bottom skin that attaches to the flap brace and flap. I then dimpled and deburred the flap brace, primed it and then go to use my pneumatic pop rivet gun to go to town on a bunch of pop rivets =)
When I was done with the flap brace Vans technical support was opened and I told them about my mistake with the conduit and they said don’t worry about it, build on! So I felt a little better and finished the right wings conduit.
I need to put in the pitot tube and I don’t have a mast/holder for it so I ordered one and I am thinking that I should order a servo for the ailerons before I close the wings as well. I just don’t know if all the servos are the same… I think I’ll call Stein tomorrow and say hi.
That’s it for now, more tomorrow… I love being home!
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