03 March, 2010

Vent/Break Lines

Wow what a pain it is to make vent lines!!! I thought bending aluminum would be easy, but yet again I was wrong. After about 2 hours I think I got my right vent line in, too bad I still have to paint, that means I will have to remove it (sound familiar?) and then reinstall it later.

I have finished the roll bar and yes it is removed awaiting fitting of the canopy.

Next up is riveting the bottom wing skins, just need a partner to make it easier, I know people have done it by them selves but I am not in that much of a rush. The scary part is that after the bottom skins are all on I can add the flap and then it's time to put the wings on for fitting :)

I am also working on the front cabin top so that I can get moving on the canopy, but as I think about my panel I can see how that affects everything, so if I could just find the last big chunk of $$$ then I could get a panel on the way, but unfortunately that is not the case right now.

Ok bed time, just know I need to post on this thing every now and then, aloha!

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