After drilling, counter sinking and deburring I prep the parts by scratching them up with a piece of scotch bright and then washing them with soapy water and set outside to dry. Once dry I whipped them down with Acetone and then primed with SEM Self-etching rattle can primer. The parts turned out really well except it was hard to counted sink one of the pieces of aluminum angle as the micro –stop would not fit.
I was able to squeeze most of the rivets and then bucked the remaining by myself.
I had some time left over so I got the aileron gap seals out, drilled, dimpled, deburred, primed (sounding repetitive) then I get them riveted on.
I was about to put the flap gap seal on but I am thinking about what I want to do with the flap hinge, I know some countersink, others dimple and some do nothing (as per Vans). Once I figure out how I will tackle that I’ll have them ready to go.
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