29 November, 2008

Wing Skins - Tail Wheel Support

4 Hours on wings

3 hours on tail wheel support

Today took a lot longer than I thought it would… I started off by using a soldering iron to melt away the protective plastic that is on most all of the aluminum parts to protect them. This process was a little slow as I was going at about an inch a second and I only had about 150 FEET to go =O



In all I think it is worth it as it does protect the skins as I am moving them around and what not, I just hope to rivet tem to the wing soon so that I will be able to call that part done.= O
After deburing all the holes in the bottom right skin I then had to dimple them. Wow another hour plus just banging away.

This is what I had to do…

Didn't take a deburing picture but that it done to EVERY HOLE too!

Dimpling with the C- Frame
Close up


And as you can see there are a lot of holes that need to be dimpled. Just got one skin done last night.

Well that’s what I did on the wings today, I also worked on the Tail Wheel support. I had to do a bit of filing away to make room for the support bracket.

Here you can see what I needed to do.

Once I got everything in there (yes many many trial fits) I drilled the holes for the bolt in the forward bulkhead, and the “temp” rivets in the aft bulkhead.

I tried to paint the steal support last night but because of the temps (even in the heated garage) the paint was taking too long to dry so I let it sit over night and will give it a second coat tomorrow (well today, I was tried and didn’t post this till morning).

OK back to work!

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