Well today started off slow as I was helping a friends try and hunt down the door that he was house sitting, I guess it opened the fence and well you get the idea. After an hour and a half of seeing the neighborhood I had to return to the project.
I started off by washing, scotch brighting, acetoning and then priming the parts.
I made this stilly priming box that I thought would help and work and it just really sucked so don’t waste your time. I had to reprime a few of the parts, maybe I was just trying to do more than that box could handle. I was just trying to keep the parts warm as it was 35 outside while the garage is heated, it’s not 70 degrees like the primer wants.
So as the parts dried I tried to figure out how many adjustments I would like in the placement of the rudder pedals. The stupid thing is that the center support bracket has holes that are not the same distance apart as the side support blocks, this makes it a pain when you are trying to keep edge distances for all the holes. Because of this is made a command decision and let the center support get within the 2 diameters apart and decided that I would just use a washer to help.
I got to use my 90 degree drill for the first time today, without it I could not have done this.
Then I got to try the fly cutter for the lightening holes in the center support, another first and hope it’s the last, that thing is scary!
Once all the primer dried I got to rivet the brakes together. It was pretty rewarding.
This is me putting in the last rivet in the brakes =)
I found a lot of humor in this, I have been working on these brake pedals for the last 2 days and all I did was one stupid line in the instructions! Ok I have done more than just that but if you were to read it it would look like a simple task, which it is but it sure takes longer to do it than it would lead you to believe.
So here they are, tada...
I called it quits at 2000 (8 pm) as I have spend most of the day in the garage and well I need a break, now I just need to come up with a plan of attack for tomorrow =)
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