11 November, 2007

Thinking about what to put in the wing

I did spend some of today looking at different things for the airplane. I am trying to decide on all the things that will go in the wings as I would like to be able to order up the parts and finish the wings. So far I know that I need navigation lights, strobes, landing lights, wingtip antennas, AOA system and a heated pitot tube.

I really like the idea of LED lights and I am waiting on http://www.aeroleds.com to announce their wingtip kit that includes a landing light. I really like the thought of everything fitting in the wingtips and it drawing less power. Ultimately if I can keep the power requirements low I would like a smaller (lighter) alternator and then more battery back up time.

Also I am sending an email to Advanced Flight Systems to see what they recommend for a pitot tube and if the Dynon pitot tube / AOA will work with there setup, I would guess not for the AOA. By the way did you ever think that a pitot tube http://www.steinair.com/pitot.htm would cost $520, yea welcome to the wonderful world of aviation.

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